In Sonora, 22 child hitmen between 11 and 14 years old have been arrested so far this year

So far this year, 22 child hitmen between the ages of 11 and 14 have been arrested in the desert region, northeast of the state of Sonora. This was announced in an interview with the media by Francisco Sergio Méndez, delegate of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), who expressed his concern that parents are not keeping an eye on their children.

“What I have already repeated to you regarding minors, I repeat to you on this occasion, without needing to mention it again, they are minors who are there with older adults, members of criminal groups, there we would have to see, apart from some probable responsibility of the parents because they do not attend to their children according to their obligations, also a greater responsibility or with some greater sanctions to those older adults who are involved in this criminal activity, when they are in the company of minors, because they are also involved in delinquency.”

He said that minors are attracted by minimal amounts of money, or by any other circumstance, and that is why he says that parents do not monitor their children.

When asked how many minors have been arrested so far this year, he said that approximately 22 between 12 and 14 years old. “Some are from here in Sonora, but they also come from other states, now they are attracting people from other states.”

He pointed out that, particularly, this is seen in the northwest region of the state of Sinaloa.

On August 11, in the municipality of Átil, in an operation carried out by the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) and the National Guard (GN), three minors were arrested, allegedly recruited as hitmen by a criminal group.

Along with them, the authorities arrested three adults, and seized a significant arsenal of high-powered weapons and tactical equipment.

Source: infobae