In this hidden taco shop in the south of CDMX they have some gorditas de nata con pastor and you won’t regret trying them.

En esta taquería secreta al sur de CDMX tienen unas gorditas de nata con pastor que no te arrepentirás de probar

If you like trompo or pastor tacos, you will surely want to taste this stuffed gordita, because in this hidden taqueria in the south of CDMX they have some gorditas de nata con pastor that you will not regret trying.

Many people would think it is crazy that these delicacies can be eaten together and that is because the gorditas de nata are consumed as a dessert, since they are usually filled with jam, lechera, cajeta or Nutella.

What is the hidden taqueria in the south of CDMX where they have some gorditas de nata con pastor

The hidden taqueria in the south of CDMX where they have some gorditas de nata filled with pastor is called Taco House and Snacks and is located at Ermita Iztapalapa 320, Cacama, CDMX.

Here you can not only enjoy conventional pastor tacos, but on their menu they have the gorditas de nata con pastor, which consists of a traditional gordita made of cream filled with grilled pastor meat with melted Oaxaca cheese. If you go, be sure to order the version with sausage and gratin cheese for only 40 pesos.

Among the taco options you can choose with corn tortilla or rib flour, breast, picaña, rib eye, Argentine chorizo ​​or chistorra. They also offer burritos, tortas and cheese-meat, which will make you lick your fingers.

In addition, they have other delicacies such as volcanes, gringas and melted cheese that you will not be able to resist. As well as alambres such as poblano with poblano chicken, bacon, onion, corn and cheese; the Qué me ves with steak, bacon, ham, pastor, onion, bell pepper and cheese, or choose the Taco House, which has skirt steak, pastor, steak, bacon, ham, bell pepper, onion and cheese.

Source: directoalpaladar