When does the posadas season start in Mexico and what is its origin?


This tradition unites thousands of families and friends; However, when does it start? Here we tell you

The typical dishes of the posadas are tamales, atoles and Christmas punch. Punch is a hot drink made with fruits, spices and alcohol.

However, many people wonder when the posadas will begin; here we tell you.

When does the posadas season start in Mexico?

The posadas begin on December 16 and end on the 24th of the same month, as they take place during the nine days prior to Christmas.

The above, because in the Christian-Catholic religion they represent the days that Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to find asylum when fleeing from Herod.

What is the origin of posadas in Mexico?

The posadas arrived with the Spanish conquest, changing the tradition of the Aztecs, who celebrated the arrival of Huitzilopochtli in December, a celebration that lasted 20 days, but with the arrival of the Spanish the Christmas bonus masses were established.

These masses were held outdoors, where landscapes were read and presentations alluding to Christmas and what is known today as pastorelas were made. There sweets known as “aguinaldos” were given to attendees.

The way of celebrating the posadas has changed over time and elements specific to each region have been added. But they have always been characterized by color, songs and traditional food. Children, young people and adults come together to “ask for a posada” and celebrate that someone opened the doors to them and provided them with accommodation.

Appetizers, buñuelos, punch, candles, (candy or fruit) and breaking piñatas are some of the most representative elements of the posadas. But the most important thing is to celebrate the union of families and friends.

Source: El Universal