The US sanctions Malas Mañas of Sonora for human and drug trafficking

Malas Mañas traffics migrants, undermine US asylum system. Great national security risk. They traffic deadly drugs, fentanyl and methamphetamine

United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced sanctions on a group she identified as Malas Mañas.

In addition, she specifies that these are sanctions against the criminal organization known as Malas Mañas that operates from the state of Sonora.

And it is dedicated to human and narcotics trafficking, in addition to two other people who provide financial support.

-“Human trafficking organizations like Malas Mañas value financial gains more than human life, they endanger the lives of migrants, they undermine the United States asylum system.”

She also asserted that Malas Mañas puts national security at great risk.

In addition to human trafficking, Malas Mañas “trafficks deadly drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine, threatening the national security of the United States and Mexico.”

She then referred to the lines of action agreed upon in Mexico.

-“On my recent visit to Mexico City, I shared the Treasury’s commitment to working with the Government of Mexico to focus on the illicit finances of criminal organizations.”

Same, she said, “that undermine the security and prosperity of both countries.”

However, the North American official said that all this is “as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to Mexico.”

-“Our government effort is to target human and drug traffickers operating on the southwest border of the United States.”

-“We impose sanctions today because we cannot let Malas Mañas or similar organizations take advantage of migrants and abuse the US financial system.”

At the same time, she explained that this organization began operating in 2016 led by Jorge Damian Román Figueroa alias “El Soldado.”

And, who maintains a relationship with a leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Sergio Valenzuela Valenzuela, alias “Gigio” and is dedicated to trafficking undocumented people.

This, particularly nationals of Guatemala and El Salvador whom he takes to cross the border with the United States, entering the cities of Phoenix and Tucson in the state of Arizona.

They recruit migrants from websites and coordinate their arrival at the border through different states of Mexico.

Malas Mañas” is also involved in drug trafficking and arms trafficking. Specifically, he has distributed fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamine to the United States, the agency said.

She added that the members of this organization use merchandise, such as hats and shirts with the Malas Mañas slogan made up of the letters “SQLD,” and an emblem in the shape of a sun with a soldier in the center.

The group includes hitmen who work at their service to protect undocumented immigrants in safe houses and force payments for transfers.

In addition to Malas Mañas, OFAC also sanctioned two human traffickers based in Mexico, Eduardo Román Flores and Joel Alexandro Salazar Ballesteros, who financially support the organization.

The Department of Homeland Security continues to relentlessly pursue transnational criminal organizations, she says.

And they “profit from vulnerable migrants and devastate our communities with fentanyl and other dangerous narcotics,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas.

As a result of the action announced today, all property or interests in property of designated persons or entities that are located within the United States or in the possession or control of US persons are blocked and must be reported to OFAC.

Additionally, any entity that is owned directly or indirectly, individually or jointly, 50 percent or more by a blocked person is blocked.

Source: Regeneracion