More than 900 homes were victims of robbery, between January and November 2023, in BCS


From January to November 2023, 11 of these robberies with violence and 927 without violence were recorded in BCS, according to the Crime Incidence

The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System released the Common Jurisdiction Crime Incidence report, corresponding to the month of November, which highlights that, from January to November, there were 938 home robberies in Baja California Sur.

In this period of time, 11 of these robberies with violence and 927 without violence were recorded. This represents an increase in the incidence of this crime, in relation to what was recorded in 2022, during the same period, when 909 home burglaries were recorded in the entity.

The report highlights that the month with the highest record of home robberies was January, with a total of 111 complaints received by the state’s security forces.

The Crime Incidence report also addresses other types of crimes and, in relation to those in the sexual sphere, an average of almost 3 complaints have been filed per day in November. In addition, they indicated that, of the total for that month, 30.4% correspond to cases of sexual abuse.

The period with the highest number of reports of crimes against sexual freedom and safety was March with 115 reports and the period with the lowest incidence was January with 66 reports. Regarding the other months, in February there were 74 cases, in April 98, in May 99, in June 107, in July 95, in August 82, in September 101, in October 104, and in November 82. In total there are the registration of 1,023 complaints.

It should be noted that the reported crime incidence presents the information corresponding to the months of January to November of the current year, which was provided by the entity’s security authorities.

Source: BCS Noticias