They estimate to deliver the desalination plant of Cabo San Lucas in 2025


Without water there is no progress, says the mayor Oscar Leggs, who specified that the plant will provide 250 liters per second

Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.- The mayor of Los Cabos, Oscar Leggs Castro, and the team of Potable Water led by Ismael Rodríguez Piña, are closing strong this year 2023 with the delivery of works and the hydraulic concrete works of the second desalination plant of 250 liters per second, located in the delegation of Cabo San Lucas.

In this regard, the municipal president of Los Cabos commented that without a doubt the best commitment fulfilled for the families of Cabo San Lucas is to see the second desalination plant in Cabo San Lucas, fighting for a healthy development, since without water there is no progress.

During his broadcast on Friday, Oscar Leggs, accompanied by the general director of Potable Water of Los Cabos, recalled that the lack of water is one of the most recurrent demands in the municipality, and after these 2 years of work and knocking on doors, the development of the works of the new desalination plant was achieved.

In his intervention, the general director of the Operating Agency in Los Cabos reported that the 90 cubic meters of hydraulic concrete of the new desalination plant that will supply 250 liters per second and which is estimated to be delivered by the year 2025 were started.

“More than 1,145 million pesos in terms of the investment of the hydraulic infrastructure; we are very happy and grateful for the support of the municipal president; those more than 55 trips have been a reality and here is the proof that the project is going forward as the mayor committed; in a polygon of 1,500 square meters with 5 modules of 50 liters per second,” the director said.

He also explained that the desalination osmosis process consists of breaking the water molecule through the pressure that bursts in a filtration membrane and that allows the use of 50% of the seawater and the other 50% of the rejection volume.

To conclude, the head of OOMSAPAS Los Cabos, Ismael Rodríguez Piña, emphasized that this work is in charge of the Cadebac consortium, a company that is composed of the company Acciona, recognized worldwide as the number 1 in the process of desalination of seawater; regarding the investment of this model of Public-Private Association (APP), 49% corresponds to the Banobras bank and 51% to the private initiative.

Source: El Sudcaliforniano