Will AMLO eliminate the autonomous organizations this year?


One of the most controversial things AMLO did last year was declaring that he would send a reform to eliminate autonomous organizations, such as the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) and the Federal Economic Competition Commission ( Cofece).

On its website, the group Mexicans Against Corruption points out that AMLO’s six-year term began with the promise of opening all information and has repeated over and over again that he is “the most transparent Government in history.” Of the 12,570 databases with Government information that is available on the data.gob.mx platform, currently, 71% are abandoned, without any updates, at least in the last 24 months.

And the excuse that AMLO always uses to disappear an institution is that they are expensive, the salaries of the officials are high, and “they are of no use to us”, but millions of Mexicans think that AMLO intends to shut down the INAI because he does not want anybody questioning his decisions. In addition to being an autonomous body, the INAI is the institution that must house the documents and files that record how the Government spends money.

It was recently discovered that the son of President López Obrador, Andrés López Beltrán, is very close to businessman Amílcar Olán, his company Romedic earned more than 490 million pesos between 2020 and 2022 for the purchase of medications that it supplied to the Insabi.

In a LATINUS report, it is documented that the friendship between Amílcar Olán and Andrés López Beltrán goes back several years, and the President’s son even attended the wedding of the Tabasco businessman. The report called “Clan Andy SA de CV” shows that during AMLO’s six-year term, the fortune of the Tabasco businessman has grown exponentially. In December 2022, his company Romedic received a contract of 304 million pesos from the Government of Quintana Roo, to buy medications and medical materials, this operation was carried out in the first months of Mara Lezama’s administration. In total, the State government of Quintana Roo received 350 million pesos from Insabi.

In the documents that are in the possession of the INAI – the organization that AMLO intends to disappear from – the same ones that were granted by Insabi, it is shown how Romedic won a contract of 304 million pesos on December 27, 2022, the officials of Quintana Roo decided who was the winner of the contest without a bidding process, and that same day the distribution of medicines began. It should be noted that Coprefis issued a warning to this company for not being reliable, since the inspectors of COFEPRIS were not allowed to inspect their warehouses and under what conditions the medicines were stored. The Government of Quintana Roo did not heed this recommendation.

The Romedic company is located in Villahermosa, Tabasco, and its registered address houses a business dedicated to the sale of floors and ceramics. Romeric in 2021 had a turnover of 73 million pesos, in 2022 they were awarded 304 million pesos.

Source: OEM

The Mexico City Post