Putin, with everything in the Mexican elections


The triumph of Morena is vital for Russian interests abroad, because it is the way to preserve a point of support and espionage to the US from the house of its neighbor.

Impossible not to see it because it is everywhere in the Mexican capital: in the Metro, at the airport, on the Periférico, on the buses … They are advertisements that say the news has no borders, and a logo with the letters RT on a green background.

It is the multiplatform media outlet of the Kremlin that functions as a channel of Russian propaganda and a fake news factory to intervene in the elections of the chosen country. In this case, Mexico.

The triumph of Morena is vital for Russian interests abroad, because it is the way to preserve a point of support and espionage to the United States from the house of its neighbor and main trading partner.

Russia Today, now only RT, was already here in the 2018 elections with analysts such as Alfredo Jalife and John Ackerman (“our man in Mexico”, his presenter said) and now, facing the June elections, he has redoubled his propaganda strategy with a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign.

How much does the Russian government pay for the propaganda of its RT channel in Mexico, we do not know. But the deployment of resources to position itself in the presidential campaign does not have any other media, national or foreign.

RT has been expelled from the countries of the European Union and North America, except Mexico. And it is not a matter of press freedom, but of espionage and destabilization work by the Russian intelligence services, through false news.

One of the ways the Russian agency covertly disseminates its information in countries where it is banned is through its embassy in Mexico.

In February 2022, its dissemination was banned in the countries of the EU, but “although the content of the main RT account on Twitter is not accessible from Spain, the embassy in Mexico tweets links that do work”, reported the newspaper El País.

According to the Spanish newspaper, “several official reports accuse this television, financed by Moscow, of spreading propaganda, conspiracy theories and disinformation. In fact, the platform is in the crosshairs of the German internal secret services, which consider it an attempt to undermine confidence in democratic institutions”.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, accused RT, in his first campaign, of intervening in the French elections with false news that affected him.

France not only closed the broadcasts, but the Treasury of that country froze the accounts of the Kremlin chain in January 2023.

Everyone knew about the Russian interference to hit Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in the United States elections in 2016, and support Donald Trump’s aspirations.

The same thing they did in France against Macron and in favor of Brexit in the United Kingdom. RT put his hands up to his shoulder in the process of misinformation and propaganda in those elections.

Now the interest is in Mexico and Vladimir Putin has had no qualms about opening the checkbook to enter RT to our presidential elections.

That Morena retains the Presidency of Mexico is essential for the functioning of the Russian espionage apparatus against the United States, and as a bridgehead for the dissemination of false information for destabilizing purposes.

In May 2022, our correspondent in Washington, José López Zamorano, reported the appearance of the head of the North Command of the United States before Capitol commissions, General Glenn Van Herck, in which he announced that “the largest number of Russian intelligence agents is located in Mexico right now. It is Russian intelligence personnel who closely monitor opportunities to influence and have access to the United States. “

Source: El Financiero