The best Mexican cities to invest in Real Estate

Currently, Mexico stands out as one of the countries with the most attractive offers to invest in real estate. This advantage is due to price diversity, the wide variety of credits available, competitive rates and tendency designs.

In Mexico, various housing real estate developments that are aligned with the luxury market have emerged.

Recent economic changes and crises have reinforced the perception of real estate as one of the safest investments. According to the Ministry of Economy, real estate properties offer tangible assessment and can generate yields of up to 30% in the first year, also providing financial stability in the medium and long term.

An innovative option that has gained popularity in recent years is real estate crowdfunding. This method has allowed collective anchor ).

“Thanks to the latest technologies and new regulations and others that are still coming, crowdfunding is one of the best ways today to finance a real estate,” Iván Carmona, co -founder of 100 bricks, crowdfunding platform real estate.

Mexico offers a wide range of options in its mortgage market, covering from residential projects and luxury developments to hotels, vacation houses, wineries and offices.

According to Carmona, these are some of the best cities to invest in these sectors.

Merida Yucatan

“The entire region has great economic development. There is a lot of work, especially technical and specialized jobs. In addition, housing will be built along the Mayan Train, ”said Víctor Manuel Requejo, president of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Real Estate Bank (BIM).

Recall that, the “White City” has been highlighted by the UN as one of the destinations with the highest quality of life, thanks to its safety, the facilities to invest and a constant growth in surplus value, which has promoted the creation of new jobs .

Experts suggest investing in Premium residential homes, since their prices are remarkably low. Since 2018, the cost per square meter is 50% lower than in Mexico City.

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Its attractiveness as an investment destination is due in part to the Covid-19 pandemic. During confinement, holidays became ideal options for permanent residences, especially with the implementation of work from home in many companies.

In addition, housing prices remained approximately 44% lower than in Mexico City. To this are added the favorable climatic conditions, the green areas and an infrastructure comparable to that of the capital.

Tulum, Quintana Roo

Quintana Roo is not only known for having the best beaches in the country, but also attracts 17 million visitors a year. Among the fastest growing developments, Tulum stands out. Since 2015, the value of the properties in this area has increased an annual 8%, which attracts investors in the residential and hotel sector.

According to the report of the residential real estate market of Quintana Roo, this modality of investment and income business can generate profits of up to 28 thousand pesos per month.

San Luís Potosí, San Luís Potosí

San Luis Potosí has become a strategic destination for real estate investments, promoted by an industrial growth of 17% in the last decade, which has generated more than 63 thousand formal jobs.

An analysis of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in 2017 attributes this growth to key sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, construction and mining.

Los Cabos, Baja California Sur

Located between the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortés, Los Cabos stands out as a destination of great attraction thanks to the combination of its beaches, desert and majestic landscapes. In addition, it offers a wide range of tourist attractions and excellent connectivity.

In recent times, various housing real estate developments that are aligned with the luxury market have emerged. An example of this is the Vistavela Los Cabos project, which is in full development and offers luxury amenities such as pool, gym and social club, all in a paradisiacal environment.

Source: realstatemarket