Approval of Five New Real Estate Projects for Mazatlán, Sinaloa

In a municipal council meeting for territorial ordering, urban development, and housing, five new developments were approved for Mazatlán, four urban and one rural country area.


In this meeting, the Director of Ecology, Eunice Murua Figueroa, emphasized that it is impossible to stop growth and real estate development, but “we believe and appeal to goodwill and respect for the environment.”

Today, urban development or growth must occur with sustainability criteria.

In turn, elements of the fire department ask that corporations approach them to discuss safety issues since these developments are far from fire stations.


The Secretary of the Municipality of Mazatlán, Adda Sarahi Rosas Medina, chaired the council meeting, along with the Director of Sustainable Urban Development Planning, Wenceslao Paul Galindo Maldonado, who highlighted that these councils represent the government, chambers, and citizen sectors, giving character to the vocationally and tracing sections.

The official indicated that the developments are authorized after complying with the studies required by the norm. However, there are still other procedures that must be followed for the development to begin.


During the meeting in the council chamber, the new councilors, who are authorities from colleges and citizen associations, were sworn in.

Source: Debate