The magical town located in Baja California Sur that stands out for being the beginning of the wine route

This destination stands out for its natural landscapes and the gastronomic experiences it offers.

El Pueblo mágico ubicado en Baja California Sur que se destaca por ser el inicio de la ruta del vino.

Mexico is full of magical towns, unique destinations hidden in every corner of the country that preserve all their culture, legacy and traditions through activities, experiences, food dishes and more. Such is the example of the magical town located in Baja California Sur known as Tecate, which stands out for being the starting point of the Wine Route, a place where some of the oldest wineries in the State are located. It is the site where the world-famous Tecate beer was born and where you can enjoy one of the great jewels of Baja California nature: La Rumorosa.

Tecate was part of the San Diego Mission since the 18th century. It has a colonial style, landscapes of cattle fields, as well as impressive mountains and rock formations. Acquire pieces of popular art in clay, blown glass, ceramics and wicker at the Casa de Artesanías.

What to do in Tecate, Baja California Sur

Some of the activities you can enjoy in the magical town of Tecate are:

Visiting the Tecate brewery, the place to learn how this renowned Mexican drink is made.
Traveling the Puerta Norte del Vino route, the Cava de Don Juan is an excellent starting point to explore this other wine route.
La Rumorosa and El Vallecito are the ideal places to go trekking.
El Cuchamá, the sacred mountain for the Kumiai and enjoy a spiritual experience and connection with nature.
Vallecitos Archaeological Zone.

How to get to Tecate, Baja California Sur

It borders the municipality of Ensenada to the south, the municipality of Mexicali to the east and the municipality of Tijuana to the west, its three borders are with municipalities of the state of Baja California.

Source: ambito