Coahuila and Durango will join IMSS-Bienestar: López Obrador

The states of Coahuila and Durango will join the IMSS-Bienestar health system, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered.

AMLO con Claudia Sheinbaum

The states of Coahuila and Durango will be incorporated into the IMSS-Bienestar health system, offered the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

On the last day of work in the La Laguna region to supervise the progress of the Healthy Water for La Laguna project in the company of the future president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, López Obrador stated that he “does not see any problem” in getting both entities governed by authorities from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to agree to federalize health services with the purpose of providing the population that does not have social security access to free medicines and treatments.”

All the programs will continue and in the new stage, when the new government begins, there will be time to reach an agreement with Esteban, with Manolo. I don’t see any difficulty because they are acting responsibly and an agreement will be reached so that the IMSS-Bienestar can be applied here in Durango and Coahuila,” said the federal president at the event attended by the governors of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal and Coahuila, Manolo Jiménez Salinas.

The commitment to federalize health services proposed by López Obrador arose after minutes before both PRI governors offered to work jointly and in coordination with the government of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, future constitutional president of Mexico and who also attended this Sunday to supervise the Healthy Water for the Lagoon project from Lerdo, Durango, which will supply the vital liquid to more than two million inhabitants.

If the adhesion to the IMSS Bienestar system by Coahuila and Durango is confirmed, there would be 25 states in the country that have that health system.

The federal executive also said that everything possible is being done to complete the works that will bring water of quality to the Laguna region; however, in case the time left in her government is not enough, she announced that the next president will be responsible for finishing what is needed so that people have water in quality and quantity.

I just want to comment: as Claudia expressed here, we are going to continue advancing in the Healthy Water for La Laguna program and all the programs will continue, but if in these 100 days —and I think we are going to return to inaugurate the entire system— there is already Claudia’s guarantee that this entire Healthy Water for La Laguna system will be completed, which is very important because it is health. It is not possible to continue consuming contaminated water, water with arsenic, that is not possible,” she stressed in her speech.

Minutes earlier, the virtual president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, stressed that she knows that access to water is a human right and not a commodity, so she assured that during her government she will work so that people do not suffer from the shortage of drinking water, especially when they have suffered for a long time from water contamination due to the high content of arsenic.

And I take this opportunity to say that the continuity of the transformation also means the continuity of the Healthy Water project; it does not end here, it is not only with what has been done, but we are going to continue bringing water to La Laguna, to the entire country, in the recognition of water as a human right and what collaboration means to distribute this precious resource that is so scarce today,” she declared before inhabitants of this area of ​​the country.

According to the National Water Commission (Conagua) in 30 years the capacity of the main aquifer of La Laguna to supply drinking water will be exhausted.

Source: Excelsior