AMLO claims that the DEA is “friends” after reports that he warned that drug traffickers could nominate judges and ministers

“And with all due respect, who are they to decide on matters that are up to Mexicans?” said López Obrador

López Obrador en su mañanera del 19 de junio. Foto: Captura de pantalla

After reports were released that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) warned through an internal document that drug traffickers could nominate judges and ministers with the reform to the Judicial Branch, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador responded to them “as friends” to respect and “not stick their two cents in.”

“The opinion of the DEA, their point of view is taken into account, but they must act with prudence because Mexico is an independent country. And with all due respect, who are they to decide on matters that correspond to Mexicans?

“Who authorized them to stick their two cents in our affairs?

It is as if I give an opinion on why they do not report on the extension of the deadlines to judge García Luna, giving long and long delays, it is not my place to get involved,” said López Obrador in his morning press conference this Wednesday, June 19 at the National Palace.

The President asked the DEA to be prudent and more respectful: “We say this in a good way, as friends.”

This Tuesday, journalist Salvador García Soto said in his column “Snakes and Ladders” that the US agency warned in an internal memorandum circulating among its directors and agents, that the election of judges and ministers by popular vote, proposed by the judicial reform promoted by President López Obrador and the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, would open the door for Mexican cartels to prepare and nominate their lawyers and jurists as candidates for ministers, magistrates and even judges of the new Judicial Branch of the Federation.

Source: eluniversal