Captura de pantalla 2024-06-19 194444

The Ministry of National Defense reported that 600 members of the Mexican Army arrived in Sinaloa, in order to reinforce the current operational deployment and inhibit the activities of organized crime.

These troops have the mission of collaborating closely with local authorities in order to inhibit crime rates, through joint actions that allow contributing to the preservation of order and public peace, said the Sedena in a statement.

“It should be noted that the military personnel acts firmly at all times, carrying out tasks of deterrence, prevention, patrols, reconnaissance and establishing military security posts that generate an atmosphere of tranquility in the population, adhering to what is established in the National Law on the Use of Force and respecting the human rights of people at all times,” it says.

The Mexican Army indicates and reaffirms the Federal Government’s unwavering decision to stop the activities of organized crime, reaffirming its commitment to watch over and safeguard the well-being of citizens, guaranteeing the peace and security of all Mexicans.

Source: ridoce