From Mazatlán to the world! A promotional event is being organised in Bajío

Sectur is making efforts with the tourist promotion tour just a few days before the summer holiday season

Promoción de turismo en Mazatlán

The Sinaloa Tourism Secretariat continues to join forces to carry out an intense promotion of the state’s destinations in the Bajío, where it has had a good acceptance, prior to the next summer vacation season.

The representative of the Sectur Sinaloa, Ricardo Velarde Cárdenas, announced that the first activity was held in San Luis Potosí, accompanied by his counterpart in that state, Juan Carlos Machinena.

Through a statement he highlighted that, as part of the promotional tour of Sinaloa, this Friday he would be in Aguascalientes, to apply the same dynamic of approach and information to tourist guides and tour operators to whom they will make known the interesting tourist spots of Sinaloa and inviting them to promote and attract visitors to their state.

With a “camaroniza”, as a symbol of Mazatlán’s gastronomy, the Tourism Secretariat and representatives of the smokeless industry of Sinaloa carried out this approach where the guests were able to enjoy one of the typical dishes of this city.

In coordination with Naturleón and the Association of Hotels and Tourism Companies of Mazatlán, training was provided to more than 200 travel agents, who were informed of the attractions that the “Pearl of the Pacific” has to offer, in addition to the gastronomic display based on shrimp with a representation of the Carnival, so that they can learn about and enjoy the various activities that Sinaloa has to offer.

On Saturday, the promotional tour will end in León, Guanajuato, where they will continue with the presentations of the destination.

The Sinaloa official added that the company Naturleón is a wholesale operator in the center of the country, with a presence in the indicated sites, in addition to being a developer of sales in vacation packages for Mazatlán.

Source: lienadirectaportal