Mexico loses appeal for US; Asia increases Tourism

The volume of American tourists who traveled to Mexico by air only reported an 8.1% growth compared to last year

Dos turistas con un crucero al fondo.

In the first two months of the year, the volume of American tourists who preferred to travel to Mexico by air only reported an 8.1% growth compared to the same period last year. However, destinations such as the Caribbean showed an increase of 12.5%. Asia of 30.6%, Central America of 25% and South America of 12.7%. Even Canada had an increase of 15.1%.

Mexico has become less attractive for tourists from the United States who are opting for other destinations. Asia and Central America are gaining ground in the choice of destination that travelers from the neighboring country decide to visit. The strong growth of tourism to Asian countries is due, at least in part, to the fact that it is only recently that these destinations were reopened and therefore the comparison bases are small and there is also a pent-up demand to travel to them,” indicates an analysis by Gemes Consultores.


The company detailed that, although Mexico continues to be the main country to which Americans travel, with 2.4 million tourists and with a reported growth for the first two months of 8.1%, the country’s share in outbound tourism by air from the United States fell from 26.5%, which it had in the first two months of 2023, to 25.6% in the same period, that is, -0.9 percentage points.

Canada and the Caribbean gained ground in the travel preferences of tourists from the United States by registering 0.1 percentage points more in both cases. It is worth noting that American tourists are beginning to diversify their chosen destinations by increasing the share of countries from the rest of the world by 1.6 percentage points, going from 31.2% during the first two months of 2023 to 32.8% in the same period of 2024. It is expected that the country will lose even more of its share in one of the most important tourist markets in the world,” warns the consultancy firm.

Source: excelsior