Puerto Vallarta will seek to become a sister city with Naples or Sicily

Puerto Vallarta will take firm steps to achieve twinning with Naples or Sicily, with the support of the Italian embassy in Mexico, the interim mayor, Francisco José Martínez Gil, reported in a press conference aboard the Amerigo Vespucci ship.

“It is a true jewel that we have in Puerto Vallarta, from this perspective we are going to seek the twinning of Puerto Vallarta and we will be working together with the intention of being able to achieve the best for our city,” said the mayor, before saying goodbye to the diplomatic delegation from Italy.

“We are very grateful to all of you, you will always be welcome, the people of Vallarta are always kind and grateful, you will always find all the good will of our people.”

The Italian ambassador in Mexico, Alessandro Modiano, indicated that the first step on the road to twinning cities will be to identify Puerto Vallarta’s counterpart in his country, then carry out exchange visits of delegations. “It is a long process to obtain solid results.”

She also acknowledged the attractions that Puerto Vallarta offers to visitors and considered that this destination should invest more in the European market and strengthen the cultural theme with the development of the archaeological zone of the municipality, because “it could be very attractive for European tourists, who, apart from looking for the beaches, the cultural part has a very important perspective.”

The Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, María Teresa Mercado Pérez, reiterated the ties of friendship and cooperation that exist between both countries, the basis of the bilateral strategic association. “Mexico and Italy have built a solid relationship over 150 years, based on common values ​​and interests, which has allowed the establishment of an institutional legal framework and a permanent high-level political dialogue; as well as a dynamic economic and cooperation relationship.

The Government of Mexico reaffirms its willingness to continue strengthening the close ties of educational and cultural cooperation, as well as trade and investment with Italy.”

Previously, Captain Giuseppe Lai made a presentation to the media about the Amerigo Vespucci’s trip around the world.

Source: jalisco.quadratin