Tamaulipas police officer sentenced for abuse of authority

He will also have to pay a fine of more than 10 thousand pesos, reported the State Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

Guardia Estatal en la zona centro de Tampico. (Yazmín Sánchez)

A Tamaulipas police officer was found guilty of the crime of abuse of authority, for which he was dismissed from office, and a conviction was handed down and he must pay a fine of more than 10 thousand pesos, reported the State Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

The agency indicated that a Trial Court issued a conviction against Maximiliano “A”, a member of the State Guard, for the crime of abuse of authority.

Without giving further details about where and when he committed the crime, it reported that he was also dismissed as a public servant and disqualified for one year from holding any public job, position or commission.

He must also pay a fine of one hundred Measurement and Update Units (UMA), which is equivalent to 108.57 pesos, which means that the economic sanction totals 10,857 pesos.

The Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Corruption in Tamaulipas stated that it maintains its permanent commitment to society to bring before the court of justice any person who has committed an act that the law considers a crime related to corruption.

Source: milenio