There are 563 cases of dengue in Oaxaca; the capital and its metropolitan area account for the majority

Although no deaths have been recorded, 35 of the total patients have severe or hemorrhagic dengue, while the Health Services report a hospital occupancy of 55%.

Suman 563 casos de dengue en Oaxaca;  la capital y su zona conurbada acumulan la mayoría

The Preliminary Weekly Dengue Report 2024 of the Oaxaca Health Services (SSO) reveals that up to epidemiological week number 24, 167 new cases of the disease were registered, with no confirmed deaths.

The figure rises for this cut to 563 confirmed accumulated cases of which, according to their classification, 191 correspond to Non-Severe Dengue (DNG); 337 to Dengue with Warning Signs (DCSA) and 35 to Severe Dengue (DG).

Meanwhile, the municipalities with the highest number of confirmed cases are: Oaxaca de Juárez with 67; Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán with 26; San Antonio de la Cal nine cases; Santa María Atzompa and Villa de Zaachila with eight reports each.

Likewise, in the last 24 hours, a 55% hospital occupancy rate has been reported, with 49 patients, of which 14 have severe dengue.

The agency urges people to keep doors, windows and gates open when the vector vehicle passes in front of homes in the localities with the highest incidence of cases, in order to achieve greater impact and effectiveness during the dispersion.

Source: oaxaca.eluniversal