A macabre discovery in Playa del Carmen: body wrapped in a tarp.


The lifeless body of a man, wrapped in a tarp, was found behind the long-distance bus terminal, causing shock among residents and authorities.

The body was found after a 911 call around 9:00 AM on Sunday, reporting a body at the second terminal of the Lázaro Cárdenas del Río taxi drivers’ union. Immediately, officers from the Municipal Police arrived to assess the situation.

Upon arrival, the police confirmed the worst: a corpse wrapped in a black and gray tarp, showing clear signs of violence. They quickly cordoned off the area to preserve the crime scene.

Soon after, agents from the State Attorney General’s Office arrived to initiate a formal investigation. Forensic experts were also present to conduct the body’s examination and transport it to the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO). As of now, the man’s identity remains unknown, as the body was registered as unidentified.

Residents near the long-distance terminal and the irregular Las Torres neighborhood have expressed concern about security in the area, as incidents like this appear to be on the rise.

Authorities have promised a thorough investigation to uncover the facts and identify those responsible. The State Attorney General’s Office encourages anyone with relevant information to come forward and cooperate, assuring that all leads will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Source: Sipse