CMIC Jalisco demands greater investment from the federal government in infrastructure

La CMIC, Delegación Jalisco consideró que es necesario que el Gobierno federal anuncie proyectos prioritarios para el estado. EL INFORMADOR/A. Navarro

The Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry, Jalisco Delegation, expressed its appreciation to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum for their recent visit to Jalisco and to the state governor for the delivery of the “El Zapotillo” Dam. This project, the completion of which was long awaited, represents an important step forward in the management and assurance of water resources for our State.

The “El Zapotillo” Dam not only represents a crucial infrastructure project to guarantee access to water for millions of people of Jalisco, but also underlines the importance of collaboration between different levels of government to achieve tangible benefits for the citizens.

From the CMIC, Jalisco Delegation, we applaud this achievement that will have a positive impact on our region, but we also reiterate the importance of addressing other critical projects whose attention remains pending and generates negative repercussions for the population.

It is necessary for the federal government to announce priority projects for Jalisco, which is why we call on the federation to consider and address the following priority issues:

Road rescue and construction of new highways: It is imperative to allocate the necessary resources for the maintenance of the 2,196 km that SICT Jalisco is in charge of, as well as the construction of new highways in Jalisco that guarantee the safety and connectivity of users, and the transfer of products and services to boost economic development and competitiveness in Jalisco. For example, the completion of the expansion of federal highway 80, the completion of federal highway 200, the bypass to Puerto Vallarta and more.

Completion of Line 4 and the construction of Line 5 of the Light Rail: These works are essential to improve connectivity in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area and must be prioritized on the national agenda.

Aguascalientes-Guadalajara railway shortening: This project is key to strengthening regional connectivity, streamlining cargo transportation and reducing the distance between the ports of Manzanillo and Altamira, connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Gulf of Mexico.
Preparations for the World Cup: With Zapopan hosting the World Cup in the coming years, it is crucial to designate the necessary budget to guarantee connectivity and that the venue has first-class infrastructure to host the grand event.

Maintenance and conservation of the ZMG road accesses: Their current conditions must be addressed to guarantee the safe and efficient transit of people and goods.

It is essential that investments be implemented and a budget be assigned to ensure the implementation of actions that address at least the aforementioned projects, thus ensuring that Jalisco continues to be an engine of growth and development in Mexico, where there is quality infrastructure for the integral development of the social dynamics of its inhabitants.

Without a doubt, the completion of the “El Zapotillo” Dam marked a step in the right direction, but there is still work to be done to ensure that in every corner of Jalisco, the population can enjoy this vital resource safely and efficiently.

The CMIC, Jalisco Delegation, reaffirms its commitment to the development of infrastructure in our state and remains willing to collaborate in the execution of these and other projects that benefit the population of Jalisco.

Source: informador