It didn’t go as expected! Pulmonias in Mazatlán reports less activity than in summer 2023

La delegación de Vialidad y Transporte de Mazatlán pide a pulmoneros que no circulen con la música en volumen alto.

The current summer vacation season was not good for public and tourist transport services known as “pulmonías”, since the demand and contracting of services was lower than the same vacation period in previous years.

This was stated by Mariano Ortega Vizcarra, leader of the Mazatlán Pulmonías Union, who commented that it has been two years that tourism has not favored this sector, and increasingly, the numbers are going down, since he said that this 2024, the units worked the entire season at 80 percent.

He pointed out that the public service transport sector needs to sit down with the government, to propose dissemination strategies, since he considered that this city lacks good promotion as a tourist destination by the three levels of government, since the promotion that the port has is by word of mouth.

“We have done well, just fine. The numbers in these last two years have been going down. We have to sit down with service providers and the government to discuss these issues and see how Mazatlán can reorganize itself or return to promoting tourism and get the government to commit, because this year I think we had lower numbers than last year, five percent, we are going down.”

The transport leader said that in addition to the low demand for passengers, the weather conditions and the roads do not help these uncovered units much, since there are many potholes in streets and avenues, which often cause puddles during the rainy season and do not allow them to work.

Finally, Ortega Vizcarra mentioned that the sector is afraid that in the next Christmas and New Year holiday season it will behave in the same way or even worse, with lower numbers.

Source: lineadirectaportal