Russian woman explains the cultural differences between Mexico and her country

A Russian woman shared the differences she has found between Mexico and her home country since she moved to the country. In the video, shared on social media, she said that these are a couple of customs and foods that cannot be found in Russia.

The material, shared on TikTok, shows a series of Mexican products and habits that can only be found in Mexico, according to what the Russian woman has been able to verify.

When traveling to an unknown country, it is common for people to face cultural differences, since in each region of the world there are different customs and specific traditions according to their way of life. One of them was Svetlana, who usually shares videos in which she shows Russian traditions and the distinctions that she has been able to identify since she is in Mexico City.

One of the things that the woman said are not found in Russia are tortillas, which she said have a name in their language, but they would not be used in the same way as in Mexico.

“In that case, there we would call them lepioshki but they would not be used the same way,” said the foreigner.

The second thing that Russians do not usually do is give the famous tip in exchange for a service provided by staff working in an establishment. In addition, Svetlana commented that in her country they do not have coffee beans as it is possible to buy in Mexico, since there you can only buy imported dissolved coffee.

One of the most notable things in Mexico and that characterizes it for being the only country that celebrates it, is the Day of the Dead, since this tradition is part of the pre-Hispanic roots that are preserved to this day and that have merged with the celebration of Catholic rituals brought by the Spanish after the conquest in 1521.

Thus, the Russian commented that this tradition is part of the things that can only be observed in Mexico: “In Mexico it is a whole festivity, putting up altars and seeing orange flowers, and even a movie.”

On the other hand, the woman commented that “cactus” is another of the things that can only be found in the country, although in reality she was referring to nopales and their wide distribution throughout the country: “Seeing cactus on the road, many cactus.”

Finally, the Russian commented that only in Mexico is there the custom of saying “proficho” to people who are in the same place when starting or finishing the meal, since in her country nobody does it: “Saying bon appetit to strangers when sitting at a table in restaurants.”

On the other hand, dozens of people shared their comments regarding the Russian woman’s video, who pointed out to the woman that the correct name for “cactus” is:

“They are not cactus, they are nopales”; “Death is not celebrated, the dead are celebrated”; “You must learn the difference between cactus and nopal, it is totally something else”; “The cacti we eat are called nopales”; “You need to know more about Mexico”; “Long live Russia and Mexico”; “It’s not celebrating death, it’s celebrating the day of the dead,” were the comments, among others.

In addition, among the opinions, dozens of people agreed that the Russian did not specify that the Mexican tradition is based on celebrating the dead with offerings that include food, portraits, flowers and candles with the intention that the deceased are well received when visiting their loved ones who are still alive.

“We do not celebrate death, we celebrate our deceased, it is not the same”; “In Mexico we do not celebrate death, we remember our deceased with our traditions, but in no way do we celebrate death,” among others.

Source: infobae