The displacement of families from Guadalajara to Michoacán increases due to the presence of the CJNG; they ask for the intervention of the Army

Por la presencia del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) hay un incremento en los desplazamientos forzados de familias tapatías hacia Michoacán. Foto: Especial

The criminal troops of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel are advancing in giant steps on the communities of Santa María del Oro, Jalisco, towards the municipalities of Tocumbo and Los Reyes, Michoacán.

A series of videos show the mobility of this criminal organization and even more, the displacement of more families, expelled from their localities by the violence that this cartel leaves in its wake, without any authority stopping them.

Since last year, it has reported the expulsion of hundreds of families, who have had to abandon their places of origin, due to the attack and irruption of the CJNG in that Jalisco area bordering the state of Michoacán.

Just two weeks ago, one of the largest forced displacements of at least 10 towns in Santa María del Oro was recorded.

Now, it is the town of El Carrizo, which is already empty. Families flee to take refuge in the state of Michoacán, as shown in the images.

Communal authorities report that the victims loaded their trucks and vehicles with as many belongings as possible.

Gas stoves, refrigerators, mattresses and clothes are what some of the displaced families from that community are seen carrying.

In addition, in the same videos, other members are seen herding the cattle that they managed to get out of their corrals and that the communal authorities claim that they will have to use it to eat and sell, in order to survive.

They put fentanyl in them; nothing could stop them

Fabián is the father of two girls and had to contain, along with other residents, this most recent attack by the CJNG in that area of ​​the state of Jalisco, to give his family and the other inhabitants of El Carrizo time to take some things and flee.

In a place near La Uma, in the municipality of Tocumbo, Michoacán, the young day laborer tells how they had to counter the criminal offensive.

“What happened is that the Jaliscos attacked us. They arrived and attacked all of our companions and as they were arriving, they were falling. I got my family out of there, because they attacked us and we had to fight to save the family; to get them out of the ranch,” he says.

Fabián, a survivor of those attacks, tells how one of the criminals approached alone where the inhabitants who were repelling the offensive were and they managed to stop him. He says that the subject was disarmed and before letting him go, they interrogated him, at which time he made a revelation to them:

“They inject those men with Fentanyl, because they came, we knocked them down and more and more came, as if they were robots. We caught a young man from the same Jalisco and he was telling us that they injected them and that is why they do not feel tired; “They don’t feel anything,” he describes.

The inhabitants, like the other locals who have had to flee because of the armed attacks of this criminal organization, have fled to the state of Michoacán.

They ask that the Mexican Army intervene so that they can return to their homes and live in peace, as some did until now.

They point out that the CJNG places mines and other explosives on roads and passable land, to prevent them from returning to their ranches and to prevent the federal authorities from advancing.

In addition, they have seized their homes, livestock and belongings that they have abandoned because of the urgency to get out and save their lives.

Source: eluniversal