Motorists ask for repair of pothole in central lanes of Mexico-Querétaro highway

A través de redes sociales, los automovilistas buscan que las autoridades atiendan la petición a fin de evitar accidentes y que el hoyo aumente sus dimensiones. Foto: Especial

Motorists are asking for the repair of a pothole located in the central lanes of the Mexico-Querétaro highway, since they consider it to be dangerous due to its size.

The hole is located in the direction of Mexico City, at the height of the Galerías Perinorte shopping mall and has already caused accidents such as flat tires and damaged rims.

The main concern of users of this road is that, since it is a fast road, they cannot avoid the pothole and that those who try to do so may crash when trying to change lanes.

Therefore, they are asking the Local Road Board of the government of the State of Mexico to intervene to cover the hole and thus avoid serious accidents for motorists and transporters who travel there daily.

A few weeks ago, on the side lanes of this same road, a huge pothole that originated in front of the Arco Norte shopping center was covered, causing damage to dozens of vehicles, which was not visible to the naked eye, as the rainwater prevented it.

Now, once again, motorists are using social media to ask the authorities to heed their request in order to avoid accidents and the hole from increasing in size.

Source: eluniversal