Specialized police group created to combat extortion in Solidaridad

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The Specialized Group for Combating Extortion (Gepce) of the Secretariat of Citizen Security will help prevent this crime, with the help of business owners and the general public, and will also allow for providing support to victims so that they can file their complaints, said Lili Campos Miranda, municipal president.

During the presentation of this group in the City Council room, where uniforms and seven equipped units were delivered, the mayor stressed that this group will help prevent this crime, in addition to training the rest of society to distinguish a situation of extortion and know how to react to it.

“It is not only about guiding people when they are victims, but also about preventing it, going to businesses, giving a talk or training, so that they can distinguish this crime,”

In addition, she pointed out that the patrol they will carry out in commercial areas will allow for more immediate attention in the event of extortion and providing support to victims so that they can file their complaint.

For his part, during his speech, Raúl Tassinari, Secretary of Citizen Security, stated that this specialized group is part of a strategy that implements prevention and combat actions, which is made up of police officers who were trained by certified and international instructors, in addition to being trained in Colombia, a country where this crime has been almost completely eradicated.

“They are proven and experienced professionals, lawyers and psychologists, crucial to providing emotional support to victims of extortion who enter into these crises,” he said.

The police officers who form the Gepce passed an intense period of training and professionalization, and also specialized in Intelligence Analysis, Operational Fusion and Prevention.

Present at this presentation were Adrián Martínez Ortega, executive secretary of the State Public Security System, Carlos Alberto García, District Attorney; James Tobin, permanent guest of civil society of the Municipal Public Security Council, as well as Cecilio Puc, General Secretary of the City Council.

Source: noticaribe