Oaxaca Government launches Internet for all, a program that will benefit more than 102 thousand inhabitants

In a first stage, 296 free-access digital connection points will be installed in the communities of the entity
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax. August 27, 2024.- With an investment of 18.8 million pesos, Governor Salomón Jara Cruz announced the start of the Internet Todos Program, which will benefit more than 102 thousand people living in the eight regions with the greatest connectivity, to promote technological development and access to information.

The head of the Executive Branch highlighted that this initiative derives from the agreement established with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), which will allow in a first stage to install 296 free-access web satellite connection points, especially in the rural communities of the entity.

When making the symbolic delivery of three internet equipment destined for high school educational institutions, Jara Cruz pointed out that this will mainly benefit youth and students, since access to the web is a fundamental need for their development in the social, educational and informational fields.

“This achievement will allow us to strengthen our ties as Oaxacans and reduce the digital gap, because greater connectivity translates into more and better education, more and better information to educate citizens and strengthen social cohesion,” he said.

During this event held at the Government Palace, the State Governor indicated that this is a great step in the process of digitalization and connectivity, to provide free internet to high school and college levels in the state, and in the future provide this service to primary school students as part of the educational policy aimed at a New Social Pact.

It will also seek to benefit health services, and the operational capacity of cultural centers and municipalities will be expanded.

For her part, the head of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) in Oaxaca, Delfina Guzmán Diaz mentioned that this vital tool will serve 200 thousand students from 250 schools, especially in rural locations.

Likewise, the director of Digital Technologies and Innovation, Moisés Juárez, said that the internet equipment will be installed in the schools of the Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca (Cobao), the Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Oaxaca (CECyTEO), the Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo (Conafe), the Instituto Estatal de Educación Pública de Oaxaca (IEEPO), and the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) Bienestar.

In this way, the Government of the Oaxacan Spring promotes the access and development of information, communication, economy and commerce of families, as well as the diffusion and conservation of the cultural and environmental wealth of the state.

Source: revista.mujeres