Lake Chapala level with historic recovery in the rainy season

El lago de Chapala lentamente recupera su esplendor

Lake Chapala, the largest body of freshwater in Mexico, has experienced a historic recovery in its level during the recent rainy season.

This phenomenon is particularly significant, as in recent years the reservoir had faced a notable decrease in its volume, which had raised concerns among residents of the region and environmental experts.

The figure reached by Lake Chapala

The increase in the level of Lake Chapala during this period is due to a combination of favorable climatic factors and phenomena in the Pacific Ocean near the coasts of Jalisco. Intense and constant rains have allowed a valuable recovery of the lost water, generating optimism in the communities that depend on this resource for their livelihood.

The figures are revealing: the lake has reached 50% of its capacity, a level not seen since November 6, 2023. This increase is crucial for the region, as the lake is an essential source for human consumption, agriculture and local biodiversity.

According to the latest update from the State Water Commission in Jalisco, the lake level is expected to continue to rise with the rainy season:

Lake Chapala reached 50% of its capacity

It was not at that water level since November 6, 2023
It is expected to continue to rise in percentage with the rainy season
Jalisco awaits the end of the rainy season to draw conclusions

Despite this recovery, experts warn that it is essential not to let our guard down. Climate change and water management remain critical challenges that could affect the future of Lake Chapala. Therefore, authorities and civil organizations continue to work on strategies to ensure the sustainability of this valuable natural resource.

In addition, the importance of maintaining and strengthening water conservation and responsible use policies, both locally and nationally, is underlined. During 2023, already in September, the percentage began to fall.

Source: adn40