Mayor Carlos Ibarra invites people to participate in the 45th anniversary of the Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Ride

An influx of between 12,000 and 15,000 tourists, with an economic impact of around 108 million pesos, is expected for the 45th anniversary edition of the Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Ride, scheduled for September 28.

At a press conference, Mayor Carlos Ibarra Aguiar extended the invitation to local, national and foreign people to participate in the fall edition of this emblematic 80-kilometer ride, aimed at people of all ages, regardless of whether or not they have previous experience.

He explained that, based on projections, it is estimated that 4,000 cyclists will participate and that, in total, between 12,000 and 15,000 people will join in the activities related to the ride, from accompanying runners to attending the start in Rosarito and/or the welcome party in Ensenada.

“This event is of utmost importance, because it promotes the tourist vocation, encourages economic development and strengthens the value chain of the Baja California coastal corridor, from hotels and restaurants to gas stations, self-service stores, pharmacies, workshops and commerce in general,” he said.

Carlos Ibarra recognized the organizing committee, especially the founding partner Guillermo Rodríguez Macouzet and Claudia Ley, general manager of the Paseo, since this is the last edition under their charge, since next year it will be passed on to a new promoter.

“It is important that all those involved in the development of the Rosarito-Ensenada tourist corridor continue working and supporting the realization of such emblematic events, which make a positive difference for our municipalities,” said the first mayor.

The general manager of the Rosarito-Ensenada Cycling Tour, Claudia Ley, announced that the cost of the regular ticket is about 900 pesos and the elite ticket is around a thousand pesos; In addition, registration is now open on the website:

She highlighted that, to ensure the optimal realization of the event, together with authorities from both municipalities, everything related to compliance with permits and security operations is being fine-tuned.

Claudia Ley pointed out that there will be a team of 400 collaborators, 10 ambulances with two paramedics each, four support stations and the sweeper service – transportation for cyclists who for various reasons cannot complete the route.

She also recalled that this ride began in 1979 with a group of American friends led by Dave Dickens, who in 1980 partnered with Guillermo Rodríguez Macouzet, and since then, until this, which will be the last edition under his leadership, the attractions of Baja California were promoted.

For his part, Andrés Martínez Bremer, president of the Association of Hotels and Motels of Ensenada, reported that the service providers are ready to demonstrate to cyclists, companions and tourism in general, the hospitality and quality of service that characterizes the region.

He reiterated the invitation to local, national and foreign population to participate in the 80-kilometer route that – he assured – combines the beauty of the coast and the rural area of ​​the Rosarito-Ensenada tourist corridor.

Participating in the conference were: Víctor Celis Dueñas, president of Proturismo; Enrique Herrmann Ceseña, representative of the Public Trust for the Promotion of Tourism in Baja California; César Rivera, president of the Committee for Tourism and Conventions of Rosarito Beaches; and Carlos Valenzuela, coordinator of Promotion of the Rosarito-Ensenada Bicycle Tour.

Source: uniradiobaja