Traditional Mixe clothing is now part of the heritage; Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Oaxaca

Prendas realizadas por mixes.

As a measure to protect the technique and iconography used in the elaboration of the traditional clothing of Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, an indigenous Mixe community, the plenary session of the local Congress declared this clothing as tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Oaxaca.

According to the ruling, approved by majority, for the creation of the traditional clothing of Tlahuitoltepec, “a process is carried out that involves skills and knowledge transmitted from generation to generation, to design and make these garments, for which the backstrap loom is used, a traditional tool used for making.”

This decree, which arose on the initiative of the Culture and Arts Commission of the 65th Legislature of the state, derives from the need to protect the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of Oaxaca, after, in 2015, a designer of French origin presented a traditional blouse from Tlahuitoltepec as her own.

The tight elements in clothing are a cultural expression that brings together a set of knowledge and techniques of a community,” said Sesul Bolaños López, president of the promoting committee.

Mixe garments.

On the other hand, the legislator also said: “Finally we will take the first step to prevent the continued theft of what belongs to the Oaxacans, what belongs to the Mixes, but above all what gives identity to each one of the inhabitants of Oaxaca.”

He said that each garment is unique and unrepeatable, it requires skills to create complex patterns and designs that often, “have cultural and symbolic meanings, the embroidery on the huipiles and other garments are detailed and colorful.

Cotton threads, wool or other natural materials are used, which can be dyed with natural dyes derived from local plants and minerals,” he detailed in the forum.

Source: excelsior