The Chief Officer of the State Government, Mario Ramírez Retolaza, reported that security is guaranteed for the patriotic celebrations that will take place in the first square of the city of Querétaro on the night of September 15. He stressed that an operation is already being worked on that will be led by the Secretariat of Citizen Security, as well as State and Municipal Civil Protection.
Therefore, he stressed that for the night of September 15 a 100 percent family atmosphere is expected in the historic center, where the sale of alcohol will not be allowed. Ramírez Retolaza recalled that during the Grito ceremony no fireworks will be used, this in order to protect the environment.
It should be noted that for these patriotic celebrations an influx of up to 16 thousand people is expected in the historic center, of which, five thousand are expected to concentrate in Plaza de Armas and up to 11 thousand in the Jardín de la Corregidora
Source: queretaro.quadratin