Signs are installed on Tamaulipas roads to protect species such as the jaguar, the macaw and the ocelot

En Palmillas, la información es referente a la mariposa monarca; la del ocelote se colocó por el rumbo de Llera; mientras que en la carretera Mante-Ocampo la información es sobre la guacamaya, entre otras más. Foto: Especial

More than 25 wildlife signs have been installed on the state’s roads to protect species such as the jaguar, macaw, monarch butterfly and ocelot.

Eduardo Rocha Orozco, a member of the Tamaulipas Parks and Biodiversity Commission (CPBT), reported that the measure is to protect wildlife on the state’s roads.

He mentioned that it is essential to avoid collisions with animals in the state, and therefore he also asked for the understanding of drivers.

Rocha Orozco urged travelers to drive carefully, taking care of their own lives, that of their family and at the same time that of the fauna.

He explained that jaguar signs were installed in the Felipe Ángeles ejido, as well as in the Plaza de Jaumave, Ocampo and in the El Cielo Biosphere Ecological Park in Gómez Farías.

In Palmillas, the information refers to the monarch butterfly; the ocelot was placed in the Llera area; while on the Mante-Ocampo highway the information is about the macaw, among others.

“This is part of a joint effort between the Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, Pronatura Noreste and Defenders of Wildlife, as well as businessmen, among others, united in favor of the species,” he added.

Source: eluniversal