The Federal Government formalized the expropriation of about two hectares that belong to the Ejido Playa del Carmen, where the Maya Train track currently passes, heading to the sanitary landfill of the municipality of Solidaridad.
The Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) formalized the cause of public utility in favor of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur) to expropriate 1.9 hectares of land in the northwest of Playa del Carmen.
“Belonging to the “Playa del Carmen” ejido (…) it was requested to be used for the construction of railway infrastructure works, operation of the Maya Train Project and its complementary works, as well as the provision of the public service of railway freight and passenger transportation. As a result, the causes of public utility of the establishment, exploitation are accredited,” reads the document published in the Official Gazette of the Federation
According to the public document, the area is located on the way to the sanitary landfill, that is, where in February 2022 the clearing of the jungle began, which finally gave rise to the fight that environmentalists undertook against federal works due to the damage to the local ecosystem.
These lands are part of the Ejido Playa del Carmen, whose assembly will be compensated at approximately 500 pesos per square meter, one of the best paid in these expropriation processes because for some ejidos the cost barely reached 200 pesos per square meter.
“FONATUR Tren Maya, S.A. de C.V. is in charge of pay as compensation for the surface that is expropriated the amount of $9,799,449.05 (nine million seven hundred ninety-nine thousand four hundred forty-nine pesos 05/100 M.N.) indicated in the appraisal issued by the Institute of Administration and Appraisal of National Assets, and in the terms indicated in the consideration section of this decree”
Source: sipse