Arco Norte highway reopens in Edomex after five days of blockade

Quitan bloqueo en Arco Norte.

After five days of maintaining a blockade on the Arco Norte highway, ejidatarios from Hidalgo, Tlaxcala and the State of Mexico decided to remove it after being promised that they would hold a dialogue table with the Ministry of the Interior.

From five in the morning, with machinery, the protesters began to remove the earth that days before they had thrown on the asphalt at kilometer 146 in the municipality of Axapusco and only left some branches, waiting for the authorities to arrive.

Around 9 in the morning, personnel from the state government held a dialogue with the ejidatarios, who demand payment for their lands that have been used for the passage of the highway for 12 years.

After talks, at around 10 in the morning they agreed to lift the blockade.

We have reached a good agreement and have a dialogue, now it will be directly with Luisa María Alcalde, Secretary of the Interior, with her we will have the dialogue and she will give us a date to carry out that dialogue to reach a fair payment in the three states, Tlaxcala, State of Mexico and Hidalgo, so that the ejidatarios have a fair payment of what we are asking for,” said Antonio Camargo, president of the Commissariat of Hidalgo.

They indicated that they again allowed a dialogue to be established, after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the morning conference indicated that their situation would be analyzed.

I hope that my ejidatarios trust us, if we are here, we are peaceful people, fighting, who ask for what is fair, what is theirs, we are not asking for what is not ours,” said Gumaro Curiel, president of the Commissariat of Santa María Atipac.

Source: excelsior