Morena Tabasco promotes the candidacy of Andrés López Beltrán, AMLO’s son, as national secretary of the party

Morena Tabasco impulsa candidatura de Andrés López Beltrán, hijo de AMLO, como secretario nacional del partido

The national councilor of Morena in Tabasco, Raúl Ojeda, rejected that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador seeks to control the Morena party after leaving office, based on the possible nomination of his son Andrés López Beltrán as general secretary of the political group.

“Some media positions want to continue insisting on the issue that Andrés Manuel wants to control, it seems that they do not know the profile of Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, in addition to the relationship that exists from the fact that they share the same principles and are clear about where to take the power reform that is proposed and is reflected in the postulates that Claudia presented in the electoral competition,” he said.

The current local deputy of Tabasco insists that there is full respect on the part of López Obrador, who is less than a month away from leaving office.

“They begin to insist that the maximato, trying to compare a historical event that has nothing to do with what we are currently experiencing,” he said in an interview.

On September 4, the state president of Morena in Tabasco, Joaquín Baños, announced that they will propose that López Beltrán be the general secretary of his party at the national level, along with the candidacy of Luisa María Alcalde for the presidency of that party.

Next Sunday, September 8, the National Council of Morena will meet in a virtual session with the national and state councilors, in which Joaquín Baños, leader and state councilor, will propose Andrés López Beltrán as general secretary of Morena, he said.

Ojeda looked favorably on that proposal, but explains in an interview that his opinion is due to an express question about that intention. He admits that if the proposal is made, he would support the president’s son being in charge of the general secretariat of Morena. However, he emphasizes that it is subject to what the majority in the National Council decides.

The Tabasco native denies that he has had any contact with the president’s son and assures that he does not know if there is a real intention in him to compete.

“If Andy decides to participate, of course I will support him as a Tabasco native and as a person grateful for the solidarity he has shown in my political life. I understand that he has the right to participate because he is a person who has origins in this movement. I simply believe that he has all the merits to compete with all the colleagues who aspire to that space.”

Raúl Ojeda has been a deputy and senator, he was also Secretary of Government in the administration of Arturo Núñez and he ran twice for the governorship of his state.

The politician explains that in his career he had the opportunity to see how the president’s children, including Andrés López Beltrán, participated in social activities.

“I was lucky enough to share some family moments with them many years ago and I can tell you that they are very good boys. And all of them have always been active with the social cards that their father has undertaken. Andy has also been without any protagonism helping to encourage the growth of our movement.”

Ojeda says that there was already a perception about the possibility of López Beltrán’s participation in the contest, but he assures that this topic has never been discussed within the party.

Andrés López Beltrán has been accused by Mexicans Against Corruption of benefiting a network of friends with businesses derived from megaprojects of President López Obrador’s government, such as the Dos Bocas refinery in Tabasco and the Malecón in Villahermosa.

López Beltrán, 38 years old, the second of the president’s sons, studied like his father at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. He actively participated in his 2012 presidential campaign and in the defense of the vote the following year.

This Sunday, Morena will hold an extraordinary National Council session, focused on approving the call to lead the National Executive Committee, at least the Presidency and the General Secretariat.

The councillors must approve the call, which is the previous step for the 22nd of September, when a new session of the National Council will be held to elect its new representatives. The call will establish which additional positions are renewed.

In the call that Morena’s councilors approve this Sunday, the requirements for the candidates will be specified. It is expected that the request to be national councilors will be omitted, because Luisa María Alcalde, the only person who has made public her interest in presiding over the party, is not a national councilor. Andrés López Beltrán is not on the list of councilors appointed in 2022 either.

Once the call is established, registrations will open and on September 22 at the national congress that is formed within the Council session, it will be decided who will be in charge of Morena.

In addition to the call with the requirements to renew the party’s leadership, changes will be proposed in the Morena statutes so that people who are in the party do not hold government positions, as requested by the president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum shortly after receiving her certificate of majority.

“There are already so many responsibilities that must be covered by the leadership that it must be established in the party statutes that those who have a position in the party cannot exercise any other, much less government,” explains Aleida Alavés, national councilor and elected head of delegation of Iztapalapa.

“I believe that we have to act with great consistency and not mix up, that the party positions are one and very precise, especially those that have to do with the growth, organization, diffusion of our movement, and the public positions that are precisely to serve the population from the different powers,”

Source: animalpolitico