Users of the Atlixco highway are assaulted with fake patrols

Con falsas patrullas asaltan a usuarios de la autopista a Atlixco

Users of the highway to Atlixco reported a new modus operandi with which they have been assaulted during the last few months.

Alcance Diario received reports from various citizens who have suffered or heard of robberies with the use of fake patrol cars.

The alleged criminals make use of these supposed security vehicles to steal vehicles from users of the highway and its respective side road.

One of the reports indicated that workers from a company were robbed of a truck and work machinery when they were driving on the highway to Atlixco.


The victims have pointed out that even subjects wearing police uniforms get out of these vehicles.

“This was under the Sonata bridge, the so-called patrol car was on a street that is there,” they reported.

One person said that her son was beaten and abandoned on a vacant lot after his vehicle was stolen.

Citizens who have decided to report the incidents have indicated that the authorities do not know the origin of these alleged units.

Another person reported that when she tried to file a complaint, she was threatened that there would be reprisals for her family.

“A family member of mine was also threatened. But when he went to file a complaint, they threatened him with the information about his family. Even though they say they are not police, they are in collusion.”

Source: alcancediario