Fishing ban lifted in bays and estuaries in Nayarit; in southern Sinaloa until the 25th of this month

Levantan veda en bahías y esteros en Nayarit; en los del sur de Sinaloa hasta el día 25 de este mes

The start of shrimp catches in the lagoon systems, estuaries, marshes and bays of Baja California Sur, southern Sinaloa and Nayarit, began in a staggered manner starting today, Tuesday, September 10, through September 25, reported the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from September 10 to 25, commercial fishing of all species of the crustacean will begin, in accordance with the ban scheme established to protect the main reproductive events, recruitment and individual growth of shrimp species.

The start and end of the temporary ban contributes to obtaining shrimp with sizes of greater commercial value and the permanence of sufficient biomass that favors subsequent fishing seasons.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development announced the dates and areas of commercial capture of all species of shrimp in the lagoon, estuarine, marsh and bay systems of Baja California Sur, Sinaloa and Nayarit.

In the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) today, September 10, it published the calendar of the fishing period for the crustacean, which was established based on the technical opinion of the Mexican Institute of Research in Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (IMIPAS).

Agriculture reported that at 00:00 hours on September 10, shrimp fishing will begin in the lagoon, estuarine, marsh and bay systems of Nayarit.

Based on what was published, it specified that at 00:00 hours on September 18, capture will begin in the Magdalena-Almejas Bay lagoon system, Baja California Sur.

In addition, it indicated that as of midnight on September 25, the ban on the lagoon and estuarine systems of southern Sinaloa will be lifted.

The temporary ban aims to protect the reproduction and recruitment processes of the species, so that during the capture periods the fishing resources present sizes of greater commercial value and the permanence of sufficient biomass that favors subsequent fishing seasons, explained the federal agency.

On the coast of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California there are fisheries of economic and social importance that need to be managed, based on updated technical, economic and social information to ensure their sustainability.

With the publication of the Agreement, Agriculture reaffirms its commitment to manage and regulate the use and sustainable exploitation of the resources of aquatic flora and fauna, by ordering the activities of the people involved in it and establishing the conditions under which fishing operations of shrimp species must be carried out.

The Agreement will enter into force upon its publication in the DOF and compliance monitoring will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Commission for Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca), and in coordination with the Ministry of the Navy, each within the scope of their respective powers.

Source: noroeste