Miguel Ángel Yunes and his son’s visas cancelled after approval of the Judicial Reform

An audio is leaked in which Miguel Ángel Yunes claims that the United States cancelled the visa of him and his sons Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez and Fernando Yunes. This happened on Wednesday, September 11, just a few hours after the approval of the Judicial Reform in the Senate, so Mexican journalists assure that it could be something much more serious and delicate.

This is heard in the supposed leaked audio, which was revealed in X by journalist Óscar Mario Beteta.

“I would like to tell you, Esteban, because this is affecting us in the immigration issue. They already cancelled my visa, do you want to cancel Miguel’s visa? The issue is very delicate, give me a call, ok?”

This event occurs after a week in which Yunes Linares and Yunes Márquez have been in the middle of the controversy for being the senators of the National Action Party (PAN) who voted in favor of the reform to the Judicial Branch. In fact, the PAN announced Yunes’ expulsion on Wednesday, September 11, after the national leader, Marko Cortés, warned that any PAN member who voted in favor would be expelled and labeled a traitor.

It seems that the Yunes are not the only ones involved in controversies and possible future cancellations of US visas, since journalist Salvador García Soto indicated in his column, two days before the vote on Judicial Reform in the Senate, that sources from the United States government, specifically from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), currently have 43 open files on politicians and officials from Morena and the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador who have been investigated in recent months for alleged ties to organized crime groups.

Source: msn