What products does Mexico export the most to the world?


In 2023, Mexico’s exports reached 593 billion dollars, its main buyer is the United States (80%), followed by Canada (3%) and China, with (2%).

Mexico is one of the most open economies in the world, which has been sustained since its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1986, says Para CIAL Dun & Bradstreet, a data and solutions provider in Latin America.

But since the country entered NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) in 1994, with the United States and Canada, its export potential was triggered, which continues and is strengthened with the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

According to information from the Ministry of Economy, these are the products that Mexico exports the most, according to figures for all of 2023.

Automobiles and other vehicles for the transport of people, with a value of 58,484 million dollars.
Vehicle parts and accessories, worth 40.62 billion dollars.
Vehicles for the transport of goods, worth 38.503 billion dollars.
Machines and data processing units, worth 29.624 billion dollars.
Crude oils from petroleum or bituminous minerals, worth 27.604 billion dollars.
Electric wires and cables, worth 16.946 billion dollars.
Telephones, including mobile phones and other wireless networks, worth 14.276 billion dollars.
Tractors, worth 13.716 billion dollars.
Medical instruments and devices, worth 12.993 billion dollars.
In agri-food exports, Mexico is not far behind, in 2023 they stood at 51.874 billion dollars, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture.

These are the agri-food sector’s exports with the highest value:

Beer, with a value of 6,163 million dollars.
Tequila and mezcal, with a value of 4,429 million dollars.
Fresh or refrigerated tomatoes, with a value of 3,048 million dollars.
Avocado, with a value of 3,030 million dollars.
Bakery products, with a value of 2,642 million dollars.

Source: expansion