What were the diplomatic conflicts during AMLO’s government?


The six-year term of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is about to end, which will give rise to the change of government with Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, since he took office in December 2018, his administration has been marked by a series of diplomatic conflicts that have tested Mexico’s relations with other nations. This is a compilation.

Diplomatic conflict between Mexico and Spain during AMLO’s six-year term
Since the beginning of his term, AMLO has expressed his discontent with Spain’s colonial past and has demanded apologies for the abuses committed during the conquest. In March 2019, the president formally asked King Felipe and Pope Francis to apologize to the indigenous peoples of Mexico for the conquest and as this did not happen, in February 2022 he paused relations with this country.

What was the conflict between Mexico and Bolivia?

After Evo Morales resigned from the presidency of Bolivia, Mexico offered asylum to several former officials of his government, which provoked a strong reaction from the new Bolivian government led by Jeanine Áñez and only calmed down with the arrival of Luis Arce to power.

What is the relationship between Mexico and Peru?

The conflict originated on December 7, 2022, when the then Peruvian president Pedro Castillo tried to dissolve Congress in an attempted self-coup, resulting in his dismissal and the rise of Dina Boluarte to the presidency.

President AMLO openly expressed his support for Castillo and this was taken negatively by the government of President Boluarte, after several criticisms from López Obrador, he declared him persona non grata, so currently relations are suspended and the president was not invited to Sheinbaum’s inauguration.

How do AMLO and Javier Milei get along?

It is known that AMLO and Javier Milei, president of Argentina, do not get along so well, since López Obrador criticized the Argentine on several occasions and he responded by telling him that he was ignorant. Diplomatic and commercial relations between both nations continue despite their ideological differences.

What is the conflict between Mexico and Ecuador?

The most recent case is with Ecuador, a country with which relations are suspended, this, after an attempt was made to arrest former vice president Jorge Glas, who was in the Mexican embassy, ​​so the Ecuadorian armed forces broke in by force, currently relations are paused and he was not invited to Claudia Sheinbaum’s inauguration either.

Currently, AMLO suspended relations with the embassies of the United States and Canada, after the ambassadors warned about the consequences of the approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch and despite the fact that this “pause” is merely symbolic, it also shows tension.

Source: tvazteca