Anabel Hernández supports García Luna’s accusations against AMLO regarding drug trafficking: “There is solid and confirmed information”

Journalist Anabel Hernández supported the accusation of Genaro García Luna who revealed yesterday the alleged links between Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s operators with leaders of organized crime and their families, according to statements made by witnesses of the Sinaloa Cartel in the trial in the New York court in the United States against the former public servant.

Yesterday, García Luna’s legal representative released a letter, handwritten by the former official, in which he insists on his innocence, accuses him of pressure to testify against Mexican government agencies and the fabrication of evidence by national authorities so that he would be charged in the US. In addition to ensuring that there are videos, recordings and documents that link President López Obrador with organized crime.

In this sense, Anabel Hernández supported the accusation made by García Luna against President López Obrador, assuring that they are aware of when members of the Sinaloa Cartel confessed to having given money to the former Secretary of Security and the man from Campeche when he was a presidential candidate in previous years. He even recalled that his recent investigation entitled The Secret History: AMLO and the Sinaloa Cartel contains information on the matter.

“Since last January 31, I have published reports with solid, confirmed, documented information that Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s three presidential campaigns, that of 2006, 2012 and 2018 were financed by the Sinaloa Cartel. I have no doubt, and I continue to accumulate much more information for a second stage of this investigation and I can tell you that everything is corroborated,” he said in an interview with Carmen Aristegui.

According to Anabel Hernández, two of the witnesses in the case against García Luna admitted having given money to the federal president López Obrador for his presidential campaigns in 2006, 2012 and 2018, both members or close to the founders of the Sinaloa Cartel.

“One of the witnesses of these illicit money financings for the López Obrador campaign in 2006 was precisely Sergio Villareal Barragán, alias ‘El Grande’ who at that time – we are talking about 2006 – was a member of the Sinaloa Cartel. Sergio Villareal Barragán was one of the direct witnesses against Genaro García Luna, who also stated that he had given money to García Luna himself, he said in the trial last year against Genaro García Luna. Another of the direct witnesses of the delivery of money to López Obrador for his presidential campaign in 2006 was Jesús Zambada García, alias ‘El Rey’, brother of ‘El Mayo’ Zambada who effectively said in the trial of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán and García Luna that he had given money to López Obrador’s campaign since 2005 that he had given it to the police chief Daniel Regino who had given him 7 million dollars,” recalled Anabel Hernández.

She commented that García Luna’s statement is not new because of the information published a couple of months ago and described it as a “desperate” act by the former Secretary of Security due to the fact that he will be sentenced on October 9. She said that despite the statements of “corrupt police officers and drug traffickers” she maintains with her investigation that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was and has been involved with the Sinaloa Cartel.

“I have maintained and maintain and will maintain, regardless of whether Genaro García Luna or all the corrupt police officers or corrupt drug traffickers, whether they say it or not, that is a fact Carmen, López Obrador was and has been involved with the Sinaloa Cartel, there are the DEA documents, there is the Polanco operation document, there is the investigation itself that the DEA and the Department of Justice (of the United States) did in 2010 and 2011,” she said.

Source: infobae