Cancún: 3 taxi drivers murdered after being kidnapped in the hotel zone

The two executed individuals found this Friday on the Cancún-Mérida highway were taxi drivers, as was another found near the nightclub area of this destination. It is believed that all three were taxi drivers from the ‘Andrés Quintana Roo’ union and that they were kidnapped in the hotel zone. The bodies of the first two were abandoned on a stretch of the Cancún-Mérida highway.

According to the police who arrived at the crime scene, the two bodies showed evident signs of violence and multiple gunshot wounds. The deceased were between 20 and 35 years old.

Although not entirely confirmed, it is believed that the taxi drivers may have been kidnapped in the Cancún hotel zone by criminals who charge protection fees (extortion) at the spots where the drivers park.

Additionally, another man, apparently a coordinator of a taxi base, died yesterday at the General Hospital of this city after being found severely beaten in the nightclub area of the Cancún hotel zone. The victim was rushed to the hospital but was already without vital signs.

One version of the events indicates that the driver was celebrating with some friends in the nightclub area of the hotel zone but then lost sight of them. The next day, taxi drivers from the base located at that point found him lying and visibly tortured.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for Uber drivers in Cancún, Águeda Esperilla, recently denounced that the persecution against drivers of this application at Cancún Airport persists, as reported by REPORTUR.

Source: Reportur