Why Chiapas is the Fourth Transformation as Claudia Sheinbaum said, according to Loret de Mola

Last Saturday, the president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, declared during her tour of the state of Chiapas that “Chiapas is the Fourth Transformation.” This statement, according to journalist Carlos Loret de Mola in his opinion column this Tuesday, is a great truth, although it is also a reflection of the challenges and contradictions that the state faces after the first six-year term of the 4T.

Carlos Loret de Mola highlights the reduction of poverty in Chiapas. According to the latest data from Coneval, the number of Chiapanecos in poverty decreased from 4.1 million to 3.8 million, a reduction of 8%. However, Chiapas remains the state with the highest poverty in the country, despite the fact that “in this six-year term, more than 175 billion pesos have been allocated for social programs in that entity.”

The educational field in Chiapas presents serious challenges. The educational gap has increased by more than 100,000 people, according to official data cited by Loret de Mola. “In this area, Chiapas is also the worst state of all,” the journalist emphasizes, showing how, despite investments in social policies, educational deficiencies persist.

The public health situation has also worsened. According to Loret de Mola, “in Chiapas, the number of people without access to health services has quadrupled.” This deterioration in health care is a reflection of the violence and instability that plague the state.

The journalist provides alarming data on violence in Chiapas. During the previous six-year term, there were 3,296 murders in the state. At the end of the current López Obrador government, the figure has increased to 3,507 murders, which represents an increase of 6%. In addition, violence has forced 7,500 people to leave their homes. Recent mass marches, led by the bishops of Chiapas, demand peace and security, reflecting the persistent climate of insecurity.

The journalist also quotes the historical leader of the EZLN, Subcomandante Marcos, who made a sharp analysis of President López Obrador. Marcos described López Obrador with a series of negative characteristics associated with previous presidents, from “the authoritarianism of Díaz Ordaz” to “the frivolous superficiality of Peña Nieto,” in a forceful criticism.

Regarding nepotism, Loret de Mola points out the contradiction between the criticisms of AMLO-Sheinbaum to the Judiciary and the situation within Morena in Chiapas. Governor Rutilio Escandón married Rosalinda López, who was number two of the SAT and sister of Adán Augusto López. This link showed the networks of power and family in the political structure of Morena.

Corruption is another fundamental axis in Loret de Mola’s criticism. The president’s brothers, Pío and Martinazo López Obrador, were documented receiving envelopes with cash in Chiapas. In addition, during the term of Governor Rutilio Escandón, 500 million pesos in contracts were channeled to companies linked to his wife, who held a significant position in the SAT and was the sister of the Secretary of the Interior at the time. “Everything remains in holy impunity,” concludes Loret de Mola, highlighting the gaps in the government’s anti-corruption efforts.

In short, Claudia Sheinbaum’s statement that “Chiapas is the Fourth Transformation” is, according to Loret de Mola, a mirror of the improvements and persistent problems in Chiapas. Poverty and education show progress but remain critical, public health and violence are worsening, and nepotism and corruption have continued to be unfortunate protagonists in the state.

Source: infobae