Earthquake in Oaxaca TODAY: Two quakes shake Matías Romero and Salina Cruz with a magnitude of 4.1

The movements occurred at different times during the morning of this Thursday, prior to the 2024 national drill.

Two earthquakes of magnitude 4.1 were recorded in Oaxaca during the morning of this Thursday, September 19, reported the National Seismological Service (SSN).

The first earthquake occurred at 08:37 hours and had its epicenter 59 kilometers northeast of Matías Romero, with a depth of 133 kilometers, detailed the agency.

The second movement was reported around an hour and forty minutes later, at 10:19 hours. The magnitude was also 4.1, but the epicenter was recorded 131 kilometers southeast of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.

Earthquake was barely perceptible: State Civil Protection; no damages reported

The earthquake occurred during the preparations for the 2024 national drill, an exercise conducted annually to strengthen preparedness and response to such events.

In this regard, Manuel Maza Sánchez, coordinator of Civil Protection of Oaxaca, reported that the earthquake was barely perceptible and noted that no damages were reported.

“These are seismic movements that occur almost daily in this area, and the public knows that if they perceive them, there are no consequences,” he said in an interview with MILENIO Television with Tanía Díaz and Luis Carlos Ortiz.

30% of earthquakes in Mexico occur in Oaxaca

According to the state government, 30 percent of the earthquakes that occur in all of Mexico are recorded in Oaxaca. Therefore, it is important for the population to always be prepared and know the necessary safety measures.

According to the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), Oaxaca will be one of the 11 entities where the seismic alert will sound during the national drill.

What to do in an earthquake?

The basic safety protocols are divided into three phases: before, during, and after an earthquake. The risks caused by a strong tremor can be reduced by adopting preventive measures.

Before: Prepare

  • Develop a family Civil Protection plan
  • Identify safety zones in your home, school, or workplace
  • Identify risk areas such as windows, ceilings, railings, or objects that may fall

During: Act

  • Stay calm and locate yourself in safety zones
  • Stay away from objects that may fall and from windows
  • If the earthquake is intense, position yourself in a fetal position next to desks, tables, or sturdy furniture to protect yourself from falling objects

After: Check

  • Do not light matches, candles, or electrical appliances until you are sure there is no gas leak
  • If the earthquake occurs in the morning or at night and you are lying down, wear shoes, as glass or sharp objects could injure you
  • Aftershocks may occur, so it is important to stay alert

Source: Milenio