Expanded Cabinet of Joaquín Díaz Mena: Traces of the Old PRI in Yucatán

In the expanded cabinet announced yesterday by the governor-elect Joaquín Díaz Mena, there are five former local and federal deputies from the PRI and several former members of that party.

There is also a former gubernatorial candidate and a former beauty queen who was a senator for Morena from Quintana Roo.

Several members of the expanded cabinet worked in previous administrations, both PRI and PAN, and there is at least one case of an official who is supposedly active in a state agency created at the end of last year.

The former PRI deputies who will hold positions in Joaquín Díaz’s Morena administration are:

  • Pablo Gamboa Miner: He will be the director of the Yucatán Energy Agency. He was twice a federal deputy for the PRI. In the 2021 election, he lost in the 3rd federal district to Rommel Pacheco Marrufo, then the PAN candidate and now also in Morena.
  • Felipe Cervera Hernández: He will be in charge of the Yucatán State Housing Institute (IVEY). As a PRI member, he was a federal and local deputy and Secretary of Agricultural and Fisheries Development, the latter in the administration of Rolando Zapata Bello.
  • Francisco Torres Rivas: He will be the director of the Yucatán Potable Water and Sewerage Board (Japay). He was also a federal and local deputy and state president of the PRI. In the government of Ivonne Ortega Pacheco, he served as Secretary of Public Works.
  • Elizabeth Gamboa Solís: She has been appointed director of Women’s Services at the Women’s Secretariat. She was a PRI deputy and director of the Institute for the Development of Mayan Culture (Indemaya) in the Zapata Bello government.
  • Fabiola Loeza Novelo: She will be the director of Indemaya. Former mayor of Teabo, in 2021 she became a local deputy for the PRI but resigned from the party and eventually joined Morena’s faction.

Other former PRI members in Huacho Díaz’s expanded cabinet in Yucatán

  • Jorge Carlos Ramírez Granados, son of former PRI senator Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín, will be the director of the Civil Registry.
  • Alejandrina León Torres, who was a PRI councilor and general secretary of the Municipal Committee of that party in Mérida, will head the Private Assistance Board.
  • Another former PRI councilor from Mérida who will have a position in the next government is María Fernanda Vivas Sierra, as head of the State Labor Conciliation Center. She is part of the political group of Senator Ramírez Marín, whom she followed in his migration to the Green Party. She unsuccessfully ran for a local deputy position for the PVEM.

Others in different governments

  • Mario Can Marín stands out, who will lead the Yucatán Fiscal Administration Agency (AFY). He was head of the State Audit Office from 2017—at the end of Rolando Zapata’s administration—to December 2023, when the PAN-majority Congress appointed him the first head of the Agency for Patrimonial and Economic Intelligence. It is assumed that he resigned from that agency to join “Huacho” Díaz’s cabinet.

Source: Diario de Yucatan