Jalisco remains on alert for dengue cases; people are urged not to let their guard down

Although last week the number of dengue cases in Jalisco had a significant decrease, authorities from the Ministry of Health reported that the alert in the state is maintained and invited the people of Jalisco not to lower their guard in terms of prevention.

“This week fortunately we had 100 fewer cases, we cannot lower our guard, we cannot say that we have already turned it around and we are going downhill, we are in complex weeks where dengue can be a major problem,” said Fernando Petersen Aranguren, Secretary of Health in Jalisco.

The head of the State Health department asked the population to avoid the reproduction of the mosquito vector of dengue in their homes with proper cleaning and the elimination of junk.

“We are in weeks in which we cannot lower our guard, we need to continue with the four actions of wash, cover, turn over and throw away and remember that dengue is at home,” he said.

What are the symptoms of dengue?

Bone pain
Intense headache
Eye pain (increases when moving eyes)
Skin rash (similar to measles)
Lack of appetite
Abdominal pain

In severe cases:

Convulsions due to fever
Severe dehydration

What to do if you suspect dengue?

If you have any of the characteristic symptoms of dengue, it is important not to self-medicate, but to go to the nearest hospital or health center to have a test performed to confirm or rule out the condition.

“The tests are diagnostic methods, therefore they should be requested not by the patient but by a doctor who is the one who actually requests the test,” said the health specialist.
What is the outlook for dengue in Jalisco?

From September 1 to 7, 766 new cases of dengue have been registered
There are 4,829 cases so far this year
1 confirmed death
Nationally, Jalisco ranks 9th and second in number of cases.

Source: milenio