Oasis Beach in Puerto Vallarta remains contaminated

Due to the presence of fecal matter in its waters, Oasis Beach, also known as Holi, in Puerto Vallarta remains closed to the public, according to the director of Civil Protection of Firefighters of this tourist destination, Gerardo Castillón Andrade.

This beach, along with 17 others in the country, were designated as the most contaminated for the summer period and therefore should not be used for recreational use.

However, Cofepris indicated that 93.8 percent of beaches in Mexico do not represent any risk for tourists.

According to the tests carried out by Cofepris, Holi beach presented almost 1955 nanoparticles of fecal matter per 100 milliliters of water, when the maximum allowed is 200, which makes it an extremely contaminated beach and not suitable for recreational use.

Source: jalisco.quadratin