Carlos Slim criticises pension for senior citizens: “Resources should be used to combat poverty”

For the Mexican businessman, once considered one of the richest men in the world, Carlos Slim Helú, the resources of the support program for older adults should be applied to those living in extreme poverty.

During a talk with young people, within the International Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Winners, the owner of telecommunications, manufacturing, transportation, construction companies, among others, made reference again to the pension granted by the federal government.

“The payment to older adults is 4 thousand to 6 thousand pesos around there, but it should be given when they have a minimum income. These resources should go to extreme poverty,” he said.

On his second day of participation in the Summit, he asserted that governments have not fought poverty so now it must be eradicated along with ignorance.

“There are three ways, one through foundations, another individually and the other is that the Government has to have the objective of eliminating it, here they talk about extreme and moderate poverty, which they talk about 50 million, but extreme poverty must be eliminated, which is six million. The minimum level that a family must have must generate well-being and at the same time training and work must increase,” he said.

During his speech, Slim Helú also pointed out that there is no peace within countries, which is why there is a lack of freedom.

“If we have problems of violence and lack of freedom, the ideal is to see Mexico, Latin America, reach a level of development that allows us to move forward,” he added.

When speaking about the opportunity that Mexico has to produce up to 20 percent of what China imported to the United States, the businessman considered that not everything is academic education, what is lacking in higher education is training for work.

This is how the World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates began
During the inauguration of the event, Ekaterina Zagladina, president of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, recalled that in the first quarter of a century that the event has been held, solutions have been proposed to the problems of the planet and an intellectual platform has been created that leads to actions of social transformation.

“Everyone has found the ultimate inspiration of the human being, which is peace in the broadest sense. In this XIX Summit we have proposed the theme that has to do with this city, which has become a technological center of Latin America, peace and progress. Technology can take us to spaces of coexistence and justice or it can lead us to a world in which human beings succumb under the empire of machines, progress will be positive or costly. We have to know the heart of its creators,” said Zagladina in her speech during the world event.
For her part, Cristina González Parás, president of the World Meeting of Values, expressed her desire that this event change the course of history.

“The immediate is fundamental. Thus we remember that our essence as human beings, beyond what we possess, we achieve spiritual values, invite us to reconnect with the deepest part of our being, cultivate inner peace. Wisdom, love for others, resisting times of crisis and maintaining hope when everything seems lost,” said González Parás.
Since yesterday and until next Saturday, Monterrey is hosting the XIX World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, attended by laureates such as Lech Walesa (awarded in 1983), Rigoberta Menchú (1992), José Manuel Ramos-Horta (1996) and Shirin Ebadi (2003), who in various discussion panels, forums, consultations, youth events and cultural activities reflect on peace and conflict resolution throughout the world.

Source: teledirario