Garbage overflows in the streets of Puerto Vallarta

Basura acumulada

At the end of the municipal administration that was in charge of the Morena Party, the problem of garbage collection in the city is accentuated, the complaints of the population grow because every day the streets and sidewalks look dirtier. At the time, the interim mayor, Pepe Martínez, recognized the failure in this area and even recommended to the next president Luis Munguía the purchase of 15 garbage trucks to supply the population.

Every day the arrival of reports to Citizen Complaints CPS Noticias-Tribuna de la Bahía increases, accompanied by images and testimonies of how unbearable the dump and bad smells in the public streets are, all over Puerto Vallarta.

Neighborhoods affected by the poor garbage collection service
In the Hipódromo subdivision they point out that the Public Sanitation Service has not come for more than a week, so the garbage bags are putrefied and they fear that this will generate a public health problem.

They have been seven days in the El Coapinole neighborhood without collecting the garbage, especially on Revolución 1001 street, corner with Guatemala, where there is a dump. In the Salitrillo neighborhood there are also mounds of garbage and on Dinamarca street, in the Lomas del Coapinole neighborhood they say it is disgusting.

In the Paseos de la Ribera housing unit they report that the garbage truck has not passed for four days, but they warn that sometimes they collect only once a week. In the populous El Progreso neighborhood, where the tianguis is set up every week, after three days it has not passed and they say that the garbage already stinks.

Nearby, in Palmar del Progreso, they say that they have gone 10 days without seeing the garbage truck, but the unconscious people continue to take out the garbage and have already formed a mound with their waste, the same thing happens on Guacamayo street in Jardines Vallarta.

In the Los Mangos and La Joya subdivisions, they report the lack of garbage collection service for a week, and the bad smell and the garbage spread by dogs is already unbearable.

Accumulation of garbage in the street

There are also photos circulating of garbage containers overflowing in the middle of the Malecón in the tourist strip and Camarones beach, a similar case in Palmares Beach.

In El Mangal they have already waited four days, an island of garbage has formed on La Cuba street at the corner of Alameda. The problem extends to the Loma Bonita and Lomas del Calvario neighborhoods, where they ask the neighbors to be more aware so that they stop leaving their waste in the public streets, since they are already a source of infection.

In the enormous Ecoterra subdivision, they report that they have not had this service for a week, the containers are overflowing, just yesterday a garbage truck went, but they say that “it was not enough even for the start” and left more than half of the dump there, so they demand a solution from the authorities.

Source: tribunadelabahia