Macabre discovery of a cooler with the bodies of two women in northern Mexico

Violencia en Nuevo León

The state of Nuevo Leon, located in the north of Mexico, is one of the most important regions of the country due to its economic and business activity, but it also stands out for the violence that has plagued the state for several years.

And it is that, due to the war between the cartels with a presence in that area, armed confrontations, executions and the discovery of human remains are increasingly frequent.

The most recent event occurred in the municipality of Allende, where two mutilated female bodies were found abandoned in coolers in the middle of a public road.

The human remains were seen by a man who was passing by the place in a pickup truck, so he notified the authorities, who created a perimeter at the site to carry out the corresponding investigations.

According to the first reports, a narco-message was abandoned next to the bodies, but due to the rains that occurred, it was not possible to determine the legend it contained or the criminal group that signed it.

Although the authorities have not given information about this discovery, Mexican media such as Noticias N+ indicated that the lifeless women found with signs of extreme violence could be the young women who disappeared in the community of Las Adjuntas, in the municipality of Cadereyta.

Due to the conditions in which the bodies were left, the investigation will be prolonged while DNA tests are obtained to identify the victims. Meanwhile, one of the lines of evidence points to the fact that the event could be related to a settling of scores for drug sales.

This discovery occurred one day after the statements of the governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García Sepúlveda, rejecting a crisis of insecurity, referring to an armed confrontation registered a few days ago.

“In a joint operation, the Army, the National Guard and the new Civil Force dealt a decisive blow to organized crime that wanted to enter the south of Nuevo León. Unfortunately, they wanted to paint the scene as a failure or as a symptom of insecurity, but quite the opposite,” declared the state leader.

In light of the increase in the number of executions in Nuevo León, the Citizen Security Council asked the authorities to stop the escalation of violence in the state.

Ana María Esquivel, president of this council, said that the three levels of government must guarantee the security of the State, a task that they are not doing, and she assured that leaving home today is a risk in Nuevo León.

Source: laopinion